Chappel House Coloring Book


color-fence-head.gif (34075 bytes) color-frank.gif (24422 bytes) color-grave.gif (27748 bytes)
color-imp-house.gif (31485 bytes) color-pumpkin1.gif (18300 bytes) color-pumpkin2.gif (19440 bytes)
color-skeleton.gif (29172 bytes) color-tree.gif (33748 bytes) color-wolfie.gif (25678 bytes)


Click on an image to open it in a new window for printing. 

More Instructions
Select an image by clicking on it. The image will open in a new window. Print the window and then close it. You can make as many copies as you want - give them to your friends. All of the pages are set to print on regular 8 1/2 by 11 paper in portrait mode.